Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Inequalities Toward Women From Biblical Times - 1764 Words

Inequalities toward Women From biblical times, creation began with man. When God created the world and all the things in it, and he thought it was good. But as man walked the earth, God said man should not be alone, and created woman. Since this time where woman has become second to man—almost a spare part, man has ingrained into society that a woman is an accessory and throughout the centuries and millennia the world has evolved and cultures have arisen, it has become the social norm to push a perfect creation that is woman out of the view of importance and discriminate against her. Women throughout different said cultures were stripped of their freedom, youth, and had no right to choose their futures. Even now in some countries, women†¦show more content†¦It has long been proven since the era of World War II that even without men in factories and offices, jobs and quotas were still met while women were in their places. However, because of the clinging social norm that a woman’s job wa s to tend to the housework and look after the children, men were quickly returned their jobs after the end of World War II causing many women to go on strikes and raise public attention of unfair practices regarding work fairness. This stereotype could not be easily shaken even throughout the nineteenth century. On the other hand, because of the progressive economy in the United States at the time, new jobs were opening up for some women. Many middle class women found employment in department store as clerical workers. (Farmer, 2014.) Although paid considerably less than their male counterparts, work became available for women and a milestone on the pathway to workplace fairness. However, there are still issues faced today that prove that professional workplaces are not necessarily female-friendly. In 2015, the ratio of women’s to men’s median weekly full-time earnings was 81.1 percent, a decrease of 1.4 percentage points since 2014, when the ratio was 82.5 percent. Wo men’s median weekly earnings for full-time work were $726 in 2015 compared with $895 for men. (Hegewisch, DuMonthier, 2016.) Women in general are paid seventy-nine cents for each dollar a man gets paid. According to the United States Census

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